Unified Fee Definitions
Unified Fee Definitions
USMS Membership Fee
The total amount a member pays for an annual membership with USMS. This amount varies widely based on the portion of the fee decided by the LMSC and any discounts decided by LMSCs (14 have age-based discounts).
National Fee
The portion of the USMS membership fee that is allocated to the national budget. In our current structure, this fee is determined annually by the House of Delegates, based on recommendations from staff that are discussed and approved by the Finance Committee and subsequently the Board of Directors. In the proposed future structure (Unified Fee), the same process would be used to determine the USMS membership fee, and the HOD would also approve the percentage split between the national budget and the LMSC.
The portion of the USMS membership fee that is allocated to the LMSC. In our current structure, this amount is determined by each individual LMSC. In the proposed future structure (Unified Fee), a set percentage of the USMS membership fee would be approved by the HOD and distributed to the LMSC.
National Budget
The funds that are allocated to support and drive investment in USMS programs, membership benefits, services to support the USMS strategic plan, and day-to-day operations. The national budget includes revenues from a portion of the USMS membership fee, sponsorship and advertising, coach and ALTS certification, Spring and Summer Nationals, and sanction fees, among other things. That revenue is used to administer those events and programs; cover insurance for the organization; administer registration, membership, and results databases; and provide the technical, financial, communication, and administrative functions of USMS, including requisite staff and contractor resources.
LMSC Budget
The funds that are allocated to support and drive investment in local USMS programs, membership benefits, and services supporting the USMS strategic plan within the LMSC territory. The LMSC budget includes revenues from a portion of the USMS membership fee, event revenues, donations, sponsorships, etc. LMSC revenue may be used for any number of purposes, including (but not limited to) hosting or subsidizing events, coach and instructor scholarships and stipends, volunteer education, social events, adult learn-to-swim programming, etc. A portion of LMSC budgets also include expenses to send delegates to the USMS annual meeting. The proposed future structure (Unified Fee) would move a portion of USMS annual meeting expenses to the national budget, allowing LMSCs to refocus those resources locally.
- Rule Book: A Local Masters Swimming Committee is a subordinate organization of the corporation with supervisory responsibilities within a specific geographical territory.
- Practical: Volunteer leaders within defined territories that support the mission and vision of USMS.
National Office
Professional staff and contractors who support the mission and vision of USMS. The National Office is accountable to and reports to the Chief Executive Officer, who is a member of the Board of Directors. The CEO reports to the Board of Directors. The National Office is charged with carrying out the mission and strategic direction provided by the USMS BOD.
Unified Fee
The amount a member would pay for an annual membership with USMS (i.e., the USMS Membership Fee).
Transition Year
2020 – Transitioning from our current structure to a Unified Fee structure is a shift that should be done in a deliberate fashion. Although some LMSCs are ready to make the change today, others want to consider the overall impact and adjust in a more gradual nature. The proposed plan would allow those LMSCs ready to make the change to do so in 2020—the “transition year”—and give others an opportunity to fully evaluate and plan accordingly, before potentially making a collective decision for 2021.