Here are a few ideas for how you can help ensure the success of Try Masters Swimming and grow our membership.

Try Masters Swimming allows adults across the country the opportunity to swim with a USMS club and experience for themselves the benefits of swimming with a group. Here are a few ways you can help make Try Masters Swimming a success in your LMSC.

Club Support

Clubs in your LMSC are preparing for Try Masters Swimming while putting on workouts for their current members. Here are a few ways you can help them through this busy time.

  • Proactively reach out. Coaches or club contacts might not know who with your LMSC to contact for help. Reach out to participating clubs, and ask if there’s anything they need help with. You can split outreach responsibilities among your LMSC leadership.
  • Follow up with club contacts. During Try Masters Swimming, prospective members will be completing trial membership forms, which triggers an email between club contacts, coaches, and prospective members. We’ve seen a 60% response rate by the club contact, a number we hope increases dramatically. Please follow up with coaches and club contacts, asking them to respond to prospective members’ emails within 24-48 hours.

Provide Financial Resources

Your LMSC might have plentiful financial reserves, funds that could be used to ensure Try Masters Swimming is a success for the clubs in your LMSC (coming soon). Here are a few ideas for how your LMSC can use its financial resources to help grow membership.

  • Pay club dues for participants. Help make prospective members’ decision to join a club easier by offering to pay for a month or two of club dues. This will increase your LMSC’s membership but also help support your LMSC’s clubs.
  • Pay for a USMS membership. Your LMSC can help prospective members discover the amazing benefits of USMS by providing them a membership.  
  • Help USMS’s social media marketing campaign. USMS is running an extensive social media marketing campaign to reach prospective members within your LMSC. Financial support from your LMSC could be used to increase the number of ads that promote clubs within your LMSC. Contact us to amplify your clubs. 
  • Run a club contest. Run a contest within your LMSC that rewards the club that gains the most members in a certain time frame. 

Offer an Event

Events are a great way to engage prospective members. Here are a few ways you can use events—new or existing—to offer prospective members another benefit. You can also tie a social gathering to an event to build community between current members and prospective members and provide your current members another benefit.

  • Run a clinic. Prospective members might struggle with their technique if they haven’t been swimming with a coach on deck. A stroke clinic is an excellent opportunity for them to learn how to swim with proper technique from the experts in your LMSC.
  • Host an event. Swim meets and open water events are fun, so why not let a prospective member enjoy one? An event could be an excellent way for prospective members to see everything they’ve learned during their time with a club in action and provide the motivation needed to keep swimming with a club. 

 Additional Resources