Know Your Drill Cycles
Drills are a very important part of refining a swimmers stroke. Performing these drills can improve speed and efficiency over time. Try them out, you may be surprised by the results.
100 Butterfly Drill Cycle
- 25 - Dolphin Kick (underwater, focus on small even kicks)
- 25 - 4 Kicks+ 1 Pull (4 dolphin kicks underwater then go one stroke Butterfly)
- 25 - "2 and 2" (Two strokes right arm / two strokes full fly / two strokes left arm / two strokes full fly)
- 25 - Full Stroke Fly
100 Back Drill Cycle
- 25 - Fashion Drill (Kick on side, on the surface of the water, with both hands on each hip, rotate every 6-8 kicks)
- 25 - Double Arm Backstroke (Swim backstroke with both arms at the same time)
- 25 - One Arm Drill (3 strokes with right arm, then three strokes with left arm, then three strokes regular backstroke)
- 25 - Full Stroke Backstroke
100 Breast Drill Cycle
- 25 - Breaststroke 3 count glide (Full Stroke Breaststroke with a 3 second count at the glide)
- 25 - Breaststroke Pull with Dolphin Kick
- 25 - 2 Down and 1 Up (2 breaststroke kicks underwater then 1 full stroke of regular breaststroke on surface of water)
- 25 - Full Stroke Breaststroke
100 Free Drill Cycle
- 25 - Fist Drill (Hand in a fist during your strokes)
- 2 x 25 - One Arm Drill (Swim with one arm only, non-working arm at your side, switch arms at the the 25)
- 25 - Full Stroke Freestyle