Article 1364
I have good news for you, since I hardly every throw anything away, I found Pat Cullum in an old card file and I called her to make sure she still is alive and kicking. Here is Pat Cullum's birth- date July 26, 1940; she lives at 136 Crest Ave, Alamo CA 94507, her phone # 510-935-6229 in case you need some more information from her. She was injured last year, but plans to come back swimming to work on that bad arm. So you see, another poor, former swimming soul saved by your call.
As I looked through the records for our team, I noticed that Carol Laird 's name is still listed. She passed away almost 2 years ago. We are still sad, she was a superb human being.
Notes I took at convention haven't surfaced yet, but did you want the picture of the 4 World Record Relay Creekers (320+), because I found it and would be glad to send it to you.
Anything else I can help you with, don't hesitate, thanks again, Elfriede Rogers . 10/2/99