Volunteers, coaches, and instructors pose questions, discuss challenges, get answers, and share successes related to their roles. In turn, committees use the information shared to build a repository of best practices for coaches, instructors, and volunteers. 

Mark your calendars for the next educational webinar(s)

Calls take place on Thursdays at 8:00 PM Eastern (except for September and December). They last for about one hour. Registration links will be provided below for each discussion topic. Contact volunteer services for more information.

Volunteer Peer-to-Peer

1st/5th Thursday

LMSC volunteers share information with others in the same role. Each group has the option to sign up for ongoing Relationship Building discussions with other LMSC volunteers around the country.

  • Check back soon!

LMSC Community

4th Thursday

LMSC Development representatives recap the month's happenings by reviewing upcoming deadlines, webinar schedules, and updates from STREAMLINES for volunteers and any national committee minutes. Each month features a unique topic and guest speaker selected by the LMSC Development Committee.

  • Check back soon!

Coaches Community

3rd Thursday

Coaches across the country connect and discuss current coaching-specific issues. Each month features a unique topic and guest speaker selected by the Coaches Committee.

  • Check back soon!

Adult-Learn-To-Swim (ALTS) Community

2nd Thursday

ALTS volunteers connect and discuss current ALTS-related issues. Each month features a unique topic and guest speaker selected by the ALTS Committee.

  • Check back soon!

Missed a Topic?

Webinar topics are now more easily accessible in the Meeting Minutes section of usms.org by selecting Webinar Presentations and Notes or Webinar Recordings. Previous discussions include:

  • Spending LMSC Cash Reserves / Building a Budget
  • Vision for the future of U.S. Masters Swimming
  • LMSC Update: Focus on managing LMSC finances and spending down LMSC cash reserves
  • LMSC Update: Focus on More LMSC Great Ideas
  • Volunteer Working Calendar & USMS Community/Forums
  • LMSC Grievance Process / National Board of Review
  • Diversity & Inclusion Education
  • Adult Learn-to-Swim (ALTS) Initiatives
  • and more!