Please join us in celebrating your coaches during Coach Appreciation Week October 7-13, 2024.

Let’s say “thank you” to the coaches …

  • Who open the gate before sunrise and lock up after dark
  • Who stand in the rain, sweat buckets in the heat, and fight frozen toes
  • Who plan workouts with you in mind
  • Who make travel plans, mobilize volunteers, and somehow know how to work the timing system, no matter how old or broken it is
  • Who motivate, cheerlead, and check in
  • Who never miss a race
  • Who never miss a birth, death, graduation, retirement, illness, injury, or promotion
  • Who always have your back

It's always a good time to recognize and acknowledge USMS coaches, but it’s especially important now. Your coaches are working hard behind the scenes to bring back USMS programming in ways that are safe, fun, and fulfilling for everyone. 

If you’d like to send your coach some extra love this Coaches Appreciation Week, here are some ideas to consider:

  • A card or email telling your coach how his/her instruction helped you accomplish a goal 
  • A gift card or certificate for a special treat
  • Flowers, candy, book, wine, or a surprise meal delivered from his/her favorite restaurant
  • Thank-you notes to your coach's partner, for selflessly sharing him/her with you on weekends, evenings, and early mornings
  • A letter to your facility’s management, thanking it for employing or contracting with such a great person (send your coach a copy)
  • Thank him/her on social media using our social shareables (coming in Sept.) -- and be sure to tag USMS 

Thank you for supporting those who support you!

Social Media Shareables (Coming Sept.)

Coach Appreciation Week Contest Winners

Congrats to the following coaches have received prizes as part of our 2023 Coach Appreciation Week.

  • Linda Bostic (PBM) - TYR sunglasses
  • B.J. Graham (MELB) - Colorado Timing Systems pace clock 
  • Susan Ingraham (MOST) - FINIS Rival swim backpack
  • Judi Norton (OHIO) - FINIS Rival swim backpack
  • Jimmy Parmenter (BTAC) - FINIS Rival swim backpack
  • Danny Prear (SAMKM) - TYR sunglasses