  • Technique and Training

Dryland Exercises to Help Your Shoulders

Dryland tips to help you win in the water.

  • Technique and Training

Improve Your Backstroke With This Dryland Workout

Backstrokers must be able to exert strength with their body stretched out and have good body awareness. Being able to focus on the form of each stroke and where you are in the pool is a challenge that takes time to master. Here’s a dryland work...

  • Technique and Training

Dryland Exercises to Improve Your Breaststroke

Breaststroke requires a unique balance of power, timing, and body position. With a few exercises focused on training these key attributes, your dryland training can improve your efficiency in the water. We’ll also focus on a few exercises that ...

  • Technique and Training

Maximize Your Breaststroke with This Dryland Workout

Breaststroke requires a unique balance of power, timing, and body position. With a few exercises focused on training these key attributes, you can use dryland training to help improve your efficiency in the water. When you build strength and power (a...

  • Technique and Training

Are Drylands Really Worth It?

Watch any age group swim team and the majority will moan when the coach says:  “Okay, time for drylands.” They fuss and are slow at getting out of the water. They even say under their breath, “I’d rather continue swimming...


Dryland Training: A Nonspecific Approach

As a general rule, if you want to go fast in a race, your training should mimic the conditioning and technique required by your focus events. For example, the type of energy required to swim a 50 meter race is very different from the type of energy ...

  • Technique and Training

20 Dryland Workouts You Can Do From Home

To help keep you moving, I’ll be releasing dryland workouts on Mondays and Thursdays for a few weeks for you to complete at home. There will be a bodyweight option and a minimal-equipment option.

  • Technique and Training

Three Dryland Tests for Improved Swimming

When it comes to making your dryland workouts effective for you, doing some simple tests can unearth your strengths and weaknesses for a better path forward. By completing these tests, you can build your athleticism and improve your weaknesses, which...

  • Technique and Training

Dryland Exercises to Improve Your Backstroke

Whether you love to race backstroke at your local Masters meet or use it to recover in your IM events, here are some helpful dryland tips to get more out of the stroke.


Taper Time: Adjusting Your Dryland Training

We are fast approaching that time of year when many Masters swimmers will be competing in their main focus meets, whether that is state championships, zones or perhaps even short course nationals. Most experienced competitors know that this time of ...

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