Learn the Streamline 'Lock' Technique
Tighten your streamline to speed your swimming
The streamline position is perhaps the most important, fundamental swimming skill. It plays a vital role in every single swim race you’ll undertake because it reduces drag and improves efficiency, both of which can lead to faster swims and less fatigue
Because streamline is so important, it’s one of the very first skills taught. And even elite swimmers practice it day in and day out.
That said, throughout my years of coaching, I’ve noticed that many swimmers forget or miss a crucial element of streamline.
The lock.
Streamline 'Lock'
To have a great streamline, you must lock your bottom hand to your top hand. This reduces the surface area that will make contact with the water and helps you maintain a tighter streamline. It also keeps your wrists in line, which makes it easier to keep your hands together in an aerodynamic point.
Locking your streamline is easy: Simply place one hand on top of the other and slide the thumb out and wrap it around the outer edge of the hand so that the tip of your thumb is in contact with the palm of the hand. The thumb effectively grips the lower hand and keeps it tight against the upper hand.
This lock keeps you in the tightest position possible while sharpening the top half of your streamline so you can carry your fastest speed no matter which stroke you’re swimming. Practice it off every start and turn during every single workout and it will soon become second nature.