Fun Drills to Swim Breaststroke Better

Counting on your hands can lead to better breaststroke

By Mark Johnston

Drill progressions can help you master aspects of technique step by step. Each stage of a progression helps break down the stroke and gives you a cumulative understanding of how your body should be moving at a given point in the stroke cycle. Once you put it all together, your stroke will improve.

A great example of such a drill progression is the breaststroke hands drill. This drill teaches you to engage your whole arm and give you the proper feel for the stroke. 

To complete this drill, start by swimming breaststroke. Then, count 0 to 5, with the number corresponding to the number of fingers you’ll deploy as you swim. 

  • 0 = swimming with a closed fist. Wrap your thumbs inside your fingers and swim breaststroke. 
  • 1 = swimming with only the index fingers pointed. Keep those thumbs tucked in under the closed fingers. 
  • 2 = swimming with your index and middle fingers extended in a peace sign. 
  • 3 = swimming with your thumb, index and pinkie fingers extended, as though you’re making the “hook-em horns” sign. 
  • 4 = swimming with your middle, ring, and pinkie fingers extended and your index fingertip curved down to touch the thumb in an “okie dokie” sign. 
  • 5 = swimming with all fingers extended for a normal breaststroke catch.

As you progress through the drill, you’ll feel how each additional finger provides more power to your stroke, making this drill an excellent one for developing a better feel for the water while adding more power.