Breaststroke Kick Breakdown

Learn the steps, then add speed

By Abbie Fish

The breaststroke kick is the most technical style of kicking in swimming. While some breaststrokers are born with a more natural ability to whip their feet around than others, even if you aren’t one of them, you can learn to improve your breaststroke kick with these three simple steps.

  1. Knee bend. Bend the knees so that they are pointed toward the bottom of the pool and your feet are just below the surface of the water.
  2. Toe point. Point your toes out at about a 45-degree angle from your body’s centerline.
  3. Snap through. Then, quickly snap the feet together while straightening the knees in a whip-like action that provides forward propulsion.

Steps 1 and 2 are the set-up phase, and quickening your pace through that set-up phase and help you find more explosive power with your kick. The greatest breaststrokers try to minimize the amount of time it takes them to complete steps 1 and 2 as they increase their pace, so take a cue from them and get to the third step of snapping through as quickly as you can. This is because in the breaststroke kick, you only produce speed when your legs are snapping back around. Minimizing the time between these snap-throughs can add speed and power to your breaststroke drive.