November 12, 2003

Silver Spring swimmer honored for service to U.S. Masters Swimming

United States Masters Swimming (USMS) has given Potomac Valley Masters swimmer David Diehl of Silver Spring, Md., the 2003 Dorothy Donnelly Service Award, which recognizes those whose service to USMS has been outstanding in its scope, its impact on USMS programs, and the number of members who have benefited from their efforts on the local, regional and national levels.

USMS, a national organization that provides structured workouts, competitions, clinics and workshops for adults age 18 and over, presented the award to Diehl for his 23 years of service to the organization. The award was presented at the United States Aquatic Sports Convention in San Diego, Sept. 10-14, 2003.

Diehl has been a member of the USMS board of directors for 19 years, a member of the National Rules Committee for 12 years, and has chaired the National Officials Committee for six years. He also has hosted two large USMS Colony Zone Championship meets, for which he served as meet manager.

A swimmer since his youth, Diehl has competed in Masters competitive swim meets at the national level since 1981. He won the national championship in 50-meter backstroke in the Senior Olympics in Orlando in 1999. He joined Masters swimming nearly 30 years ago.

Diehl, who is the Executive Director of the University of Maryland

