Warner Robins Aquanauts

Warner Robins Aquanauts Masters Swimming is intended for those 18 and older who are interested in developing as an adult swimmer while having fun. It is our goal to offer age specific training for all of our athletes, geared towards challenging each individual and developing each individual to the best of their abilities.

Practice Information

$50.00 per month + facility membership
At our workouts, we aim to challenge every adult individual, no matter their skill level, while fostering a team environment. We observe circle swimming when there are more than two swimmers per lane.
Competitions are optional, but going to meets with the team is one of the best ways to have fun. Masters meets are very low-key and fun for people of all skill levels. Most swimmers in this program join US Master Swimming.
Year Round Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 5:30 am – 7:00 am

Contact Warner Robins Aquanauts

Club Contact

Amanda Hamborg
