U.S. Masters Swimming is continuing to invest resources into growing your club and the organization. We made major changes for the 2022 registration year, which you can read about below, and have not made any significant changes for the 2025 registration year.

2025 Club Registration Changes

No significant changes for the 2025 registration year.

2022 Club Registration Changes


Club Contact 

What is changing? All club contacts must have a My USMS login. In the past, a login wasn't required, and the email address entered during registration wasn't validated.

Why is it changing?
This will allow us to know if the club contact is using a valid email address to ensure the USMS and prospective members' communications are being received.

How will it impact registration this year?
You'll have to re-enter the club contact's information, even if it's the same, so the system can validate that person's account status. The current contact's information will be listed on Club Finder until you renew your club and it is approved by USMS.

Current club contacts who don't have a login will receive an email in late September to set one up. If you want to change your club contact to someone who isn't a USMS member or doesn't have a login during the year, you can input that person's information, and we'll send an email to help that person set up an account. That person will become the club contact once he or she has completed the process and the club is approved.

Coach and Adult Learn-to-Swim instructors

What is changing?

All coaches and instructors must have a My USMS login. In the past, a login wasn't required and the email address input during registration wasn't validated.

Why is it changing?
This will allow us to know the coaches or instructors are using a valid email address to ensure USMS and prospective members' communications are being received.

How will it impact registration this year?
If any of your coaches or instructors aren't USMS members, their information will be removed and will have to be input again. Once their information is entered, we'll send them an email to set up their account. The current coaches and instructors who are members won't see any change.


What is changing?

Clubs will have to enter the following details for all pool locations: location, pool details (e.g., indoor or outdoor), and configuration details (e.g., eight lanes when the pool is set up for LCM and 22 lanes when it's set up for SCY). In the past, we only required a facility location.

Clubs with open water locations will have to enter the following: location and venue details (e.g., whether it's an ocean, river, lake, or another body of open water). In the past, we only required a venue location.

Why is it changing?
This will allow us to better understand your club's facility constraints and event capabilities while helping us build one of the most robust pool and open water databases in the U.S.

How will it impact registration this year?
All past location information will be removed and will have to be re-entered. The current facility location information will still be listed on Club Finder until you renew your club.
Here is a video showing the new location section and how to input pools and open water venues. 

Club Abbreviations

What is changing?

All clubs and workout groups need to have a unique abbreviation. In the past, workout groups in different LMSCs could have the same abbreviation.

Why is it changing?
This will allow us to unify two systems and give us the ability to focus more on servicing our clubs.

How will it impact registration this year?
If you're affected by this change, you'll receive an email in the coming weeks with further details. If you aren't affected, you don't have to do anything.

Let us know if you have any questions on the above information by reaching out to clubandcoach@usmastersswimming.org.

Register Here