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Welcome to the 2016 USMS National Elections information page. The election will be held during the 2016 Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates. This election cycle, we will elect At-Large Directors (Breadbasket Zone, Colonies Zone, Dixie Zone, Great Lakes Zone, Northwest Zone, Oceana Zone, South Central Zone, and Southwest Zone). Descriptions and duties of the officers are contained in ARTICLE 506 of the Code of Regulations. Processes for the election are governed by the current Election Operating Guidelines. If elected, you will need to attend a mandatory BOD meeting which will be held immediately after Convention Sunday morning. Please read all information carefully and refer to the Election Schedule in APPENDIX A of these guidelines to avoid misunderstandings.
NOTE: Floor nominations will be taken at the first House of Delegates meeting, Thursday, September 22, at 8:30am. All floor nominees must have a second and must turn in a nomination packet (both hard copy and electronic) before the close of nominations in order to be placed on the ballot.
The following candidates have been qualified and slated as of June 6, 2016:
- Breadbasket Zone
- Tom Moore - nomination packet - Elected
- Lori Payne - nomination packet
- Colonies Zone
- David Diehl - nomination packet - Elected
- Dixie Zone
- Rob Copeland - nomination packet - Elected
- Greta Van Meeteren - nomination packet
- Great Lakes Zone
- Dan Cox - nomination packet - Elected
- Northwest Zone
- Sarah Welch - nomination packet - Elected
- Oceana Zone
- Leianne Crittenden - nomination packet - Elected
- South Central Zone
- Ed Coates - nomination packet - Elected
- Southwest Zone
- Laura Winslow - nomination packet - Elected
In accordance with our Election Operating Guidelines, the USMS Board of Directors authorized an extended special nomination period from May 4, 2016, through May 31, 2016, for the Dixie and Oceana Zones, which had no candidates.
The election committee will accept floor nominations for all at-large director positions at convention during designated HOD meetings; however, all eligible candidates must submit proper documentation to be slated. The committee will follow up in a subsequent report to state which meetings(s) are eligible.
The original nomination period closed April 30, 2016.
- Nomination Packet - This is a Word file containing instructions and the Candidate questionnaire.
- Conflict of Interest Statement
- Template for Letter of Nomination or Endorsement
- Current Election Operating Guidelines - The guidelines govern the election process and inform you of the requirements you will need to fulfill as a candidate.
- Creating an Electronic Signature
To be eligible for nomination, candidates shall:
- be members in good standing of U.S. Masters Swimming for the year when the election is held;
- have attended more than one USMS annual meeting of the National House of Delegates in the preceding five years; and
- plan to attend the annual meeting of the National House of Delegates for the election year in which they are standing for election, and plan to attend all House of Delegates meetings during their tenure. Explanation of the duties of officers can be found in the 2016 USMS Code of Regulations and Rules of Competition (Article 506– Board of Directors) and on the Election Section of the USMS Web Site.
(The following At-Large Director positions had no incumbent and were considered vacant: Breadbasket, Dixie, and South Central.)
If after reading the materials, you have questions about the role of USMS officers or the Nomination/Election process, please contact Cheryl Gettelfinger via email.