USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming Kerry O'Brien Coaches Award

Recipient: Chuck Beatty
Year: 2023
LMSC: Lake Erie

Chuck Beatty was a Level 2 Coach who ran a U.S. Masters Swimming program in O*H*I*O. He started an Adult Learn-to-Swim program, held private swim instruction sessions, and guided and shared his knowledge with a group of open water swimmers in Lake Erie. He was also the event director for the Brogan Open Water Swim Classic, which benefited a local camp that taught urban children to swim.

Chuck served as the Open Water Chair in the Lake Erie LMSC since 2018 and was a member of the USMS Open Water Committee from 2020-22. His swimmers appreciated how he unselfishly shared his love of both pool and open water swimming with them.