USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming June Krauser Communications Award

Recipient: Nicole Christensen
Year: 2022
LMSC: Gulf

Nicole Christensen had been responsible for the websites, social media accounts, and email blasts for both the Gulf LMSC and the South Central Zone for many years. She struck the right balance of conveying vital information, without inundating members with email blasts.

While serving as the South Central Zone Chair, Nicole created a network for the LMSC chairs, which enabled communication and ongoing discussion of common issues. She also served as the Zone’s Communication Chair and regularly updated information on both the Zone and Gulf LMSC websites and calendars. She made it a priority to keep the content up-to-date, relevant, and accurate. She tested all links quickly made repairs, and initiated conversations with the National Office to get technical help when needed.

Nicole’s work was especially important to her Zone, which was comprised of 3300 members from 7 LMSCs in 3 states. Prior to her establishing the Zone website, each LMSC operated independently. Through her efforts as both the Zone Chair and the Zone Communications Chair, she singlehandedly brought the LMSCs together for a multi-venue 2021 SCY Zone Championship. Participation significantly exceeded the usual single-site championship meets. In 2022 she initiated a three-venue Zone Open Water Challenge, which led to more LMSCs proposing additional OW events for 2023.

The Zone was very fortunate that Nicole would continue as the Zone communication Chair when her term as Zone Chair ended. She made it a priority to keep the Gulf LMSC and South Central Zone website calendars and content up-to-date, relevant, and accurate.