USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming Dorothy Donnelly Service Award

Recipient: Carl Millholland
Year: 2021
LMSC: Wisconsin

As a member of the Wisconsin LMSC, Carl volunteered for numerous major undertakings. At the beginning of 2018 he became the LMSC newsletter and improved its look and quality, making it more interesting to read. During Covid-19 he managed to publish issues regularly, and despite the lack of swim meets in the LMSC   included coaching tips and interesting articles from archived newsletters. In 2019, Carl guided a committee to update the LMSC’s website. It was a major undertaking, which included the investigation of various web development companies and the evaluation of features and pricing. As part of the LMSC board in 2020, Carl successfully proposed a change to the LMSC Bylaws to include the position of a Communications Chair, who would oversee the Webmaster and Newsletter Editor. Carl also held positions on the board of Wisconsin Masters, a regional USMS club.