Capt. Ransom J. Arthur M.D. Award

Recipient: | Hugh Moore |
Year: | 2002 |
LMSC: | Pacific Northwest |
Hugh Moore has been an outstanding volunteer for USMS since 1979 when he became one of the founding members of Swimmers of Wichita. He served as the club president for four years, and was meet director for six local meets in the Wichita area. It was in Wichita that Hugh met his wife, Jane, when she responded to a bulletin board flyer promoting Masters swimming at the local YMCA.
In 1983 Hugh and Jane moved to Tacoma, WA where he became a charter member and eventual president of Federal Way Masters. Hugh also joined the Board of Directors for the Pacific Northwest LMSC, serving in numerous positions including registrar and president. Hugh, along with Jane, directed many meets in the Pacific Northwest, including LMSC and Zone Championships, National Postal events, and three National Championship meets.
Hugh also contributes to Masters swimming on the national level. He has been a USMS delegate since 1986 and has served on the Marketing and ad hoc Computerization committees and chaired the Planning, Officials and Registration Computerization Program committees. Hugh was elected Zone Committee Chair in 1997 and is credited with positive changes to the zone division. As a “team” Hugh and Jane have contributed substantially to Masters swimming at the club, LMSC, and national level. USMS has always received “two for the price of one” when assigning one or the other to a major project or position so it is only fitting that Hugh and Jane are honored together with the 2002 Ransom Arthur Award.