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Welcome to the 2015 USMS National Elections information site. The election will be held during the 2015 Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates. This election cycle, we will elect USMS officers (president, vice president of administration, vice president of community services, vice president of local operations, vice president of programs, secretary and treasurer). Descriptions and duties of the officers are contained in ARTICLE 505.3 of the Code of Regulations. Processes for the election are governed by the current Election Operating Guidelines. Please read all information carefully and refer to the Election Schedule in APPENDIX A of these guidelines to avoid misunderstandings. If elected, you will need to attend a mandatory BOD meeting which will be held immediately after Convention beginning Sunday morning at 9:15am and lasting until approximately noon. It is recommended you plan your return flight no earlier than 2:00pm that day.
NOTE: Floor nominations will be taken at the first House of Delegates meeting, Thursday October 1, at 8:00am. All floor nominees must have a second and must turn in a nomination packet (both hard copy and electronic) before the close of nominations in order to be placed on the ballot.
Here is the list of qualified candidates who submitted packets prior to the convention.
- Patty Miller - nomination packet - Elected
- Michael Heather - nomination packet (nominated from floor)
Vice President of Administration
- Ed Tsuzuki - nomination packet - Elected
Vice President of Community Services
- Richard Garza - nomination packet
- Lori Payne - nomination packet
- Frank "Skip" Thompson - nomination packet - Elected
Vice President of Local Operations
- Chris Stevenson - nomination packet - Elected
Vice President of Programs
- Chris McGiffin - nomination packet - Elected
- Chris Colburn - nomination packet - Elected
- Ralph Davis - nomination packet - Elected
The nomination period is from March 1, 2015 through April 30, 2015.
To place your name in nomination for an officer position (listed with applicable committees), download the nomination packet and election guidelines or request them by email from Election Chair Cheryl Gettelfinger. Please read the entire packet and guidelines and return the Candidate Questionnaire/Consent-to-Run Form to the election chair by April 30, 2015.
- President
- Vice President of Administration (oversees the following committees):
- Championship
- Legislation
- Registration
- Rules
- Vice President of Community Services (oversees the following committees):
- Coaches
- Fitness Education
- Sports Medicine and Science
- Vice President of Local Operations (oversees the following committees):
- History and Archives
- LMSC Development
- Records and Tabulation
- Recognition and Awards
- Vice President of Programs (oversees the following committees):
- Long Distance
- Officials
- Open Water
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Nomination Packet - UPDATED on April 13 to provide more options for submitting your attestation. See Section IV.A.2 for details. The nomination packet contains the following items:
- A Word file containing instructions and the Candidate questionnaire,
- A USMS Conflict of Interest Word file (must be completed), and
- A Letter Template that should be used for those nominating/endorsing first-time nominees.
- Current Election Operating Guidelines - The guidelines govern the election process and inform you of the requirements you wil need to fulfill as a candidate.
To be eligible for nomination, candidates shall: 1) be members in good standing of U.S. Masters Swimming for the year when the election is held; 2) have attended more than one USMS annual meeting of the National House of Delegates in the preceding five (5) years; and 3) plan to attend the annual meeting of the National House of Delegates for the election year in which they are standing for election, and plan to attend all House of Delegates meetings during their tenure. Explanation of the duties of officers can be found in the 2015 USMS Code of Regulations and Rules of Competition (Article 505.3 - Duties of Officers) and on the Election section of the USMS web site.
If after reading the materials you have questions about the role of USMS officers or the Nomination/Election process, please contact Cheryl Gettelfinger.