USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming Dorothy Donnelly Service Award

Recipient: Robin Smith
Year: 2015
LMSC: Southern Pacific

Robin M. Smith, member and coach of Novaquatics (NOVA), served the Southern Pacific LMSC (SPMS) as both Secretary and Fitness Officer. As Secretary, she tracked changes in policies and procedures to inform her membership. Robin helped develop the monthly agenda, gathered officer reports, and served on the grievance committee. From 2010-2013, she collected, audited and published results of all SPMS open water swims, paying particular attention to new records. She also stepped in as interim Sanctions and Meet Operator Chair when the positions became vacant. As Meet Operator Chair, Robin attended all SPMS-hosted meets to guide them with best practices. She helped with fitness swimming, open water workouts and Adult-Learn-to-Swim as a certified ALTS instructor.