USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming Dorothy Donnelly Service Award


Recipient: C.J. Rushman
Year: 2014
LMSC: Kentucky

Active with the Anderson Barracudas in Cincinnati, OH since founding the swim program in 1996, CJ also served the Ohio LMSC as fitness and safety chair, vice chair, secretary, and chair. After moving to Kentucky in 2013, CJ joined the board of directors of Kentucky Masters and served as team president and secretary. He’s also served as the secretary of the Kentucky LMSC. CJ directed numerous swim meets and officiated as referee and stroke/turn judge at all levels of swimming from high school through Masters. On the national level, CJ attended USMS conventions since 2000 and served on the Coaches, Championship, Communications, and Publications committees. He was the USMS Corporate Secretary from 2009-2013. He also brought his expertise to the Information Technology committee.