USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming Dorothy Donnelly Service Award


Recipient: Peter Guadagni
Year: 2014
LMSC: Pacific

Peter volunteered for 15 years for his club, Walnut Creek Masters. He served as a WCM board member, chair, team captain, and treasurer and participated on the WCM Aquatic Needs Task Force. As editor for the team newsletter, he also provided content for the website. As the Chairman of the Pacific LMSC beginning in 2012, Peter led the restructuring of the organization’s leadership and established a new model for the transition of Executive Board positions and responsibilities. Nationally, he was a member of the Legislation Committee and the Finance Committee. In what became a highly successful event, Peter created the LMSC Annual Meeting Celebration to encourage greater participation in leadership and activities. The celebration is a day devoted to swimming, education, inspiration by high profile speakers, review of the previous year, election of officers, and lunch, all at no cost to members.