USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming June Krauser Communications Award

Recipient: Lynn Hazlewood
Year: 2006
LMSC: Virginia

Lynn was an active member of the USMS Communications Committee since it was created and was an important contributor to the USMS website. She maintained for several years the Long Distance section of the website and the USMS Calendar of Events. Lynn's tireless behind-the-scenes involvement during the development of SWIMMER magazine was nothing short of extraordinary. In 2004, she led the process of involving USMS members in advisory roles with the Transition Team, Content Proofing Team, and Editorial Board. While others were focused primarily on editorial content, Lynn realized very early on that USMS needed its own business management group for the magazine.

In 2005, Lynn developed the proposal to make the Editorial Board into the Editorial Committee, and the committee became a Standing Committee at a time when USMS was actively seeking to reduce the number of committees. Lynn handpicked committee members for the new committee, held monthly conference calls, and developed an editorial policy manual. Furthermore, she meticulously documented the whole process.

Along with her strong direction of the business management, Lynn was a guiding light for the editorial direction of the magazine. She actively participated in the annual planning of the magazine during its first two years and proposed several ideas relating to the balance of content and new types of content.