Jody Smith - Candidate for Vice President of Community Services

Jody SmithCandidate Information

Name: Jody Smith

LMSC: Pacific

Nominated for: Vice President of Community Services (nomination info)






Summary Statement

As an active member of this community and someone that plans on “Swimming for Life”, I submit my nomination to serve USMS as the Vice President of Community Services. Within our organization I’ve been a participant, an event host, a large aquatic facility manager and most recently a coach. And I will bring the knowledge and understanding gained in these functions to this position. I will also bring my experience as a leader, organizer and administrator to this role. As a volunteer, I have been involved at the club, LMSC and national level and have devoted time to be aware of the dynamics of our organization, our history and our plans for the future. I look forward to the opportunity to work directly with the USMS Fitness, Sports Medicine and Science and Coaches Committees. I’m passionate about USMS, our members and our programs, and I’m committed to serving our community as an active member of the Executive Committee.

Response to Questions

Why are you interested in this position and why do you believe you would be a good candidate?

My interest in serving USMS as the VP of Community Services stems from my desire to improve the experience of our members, coaches and programs, grow our membership and support our volunteer efforts both locally and nationally. 

From the day I joined my first Masters program over eleven years ago my passion for Masters Swimming has continued to grow from year to year. As my enthusiasm for the sport has grown, so has my involvement at both the local and national level.

My experiences as a swimmer, event host, facility manager and coach provide me a multifaceted perspective on the issues and opportunities facing USMS and our members. I serve on the Pacific Masters Board and the San Jose Arena Authority (mayor appointed) and report to the Board of Mountain View Masters Swimming so I’m versed in the roles and responsibilities of board members. I have a strong understanding of the current USMS landscape and have worked with numerous volunteers and staff members on USMS projects and events.


What do you consider to be the major issues facing USMS now and in the future. As a person holding an elected position within USMS, how would you address these issues?

The challenges I see USMS facing as we update our Strategic Plan and continue to grow from a completely volunteer organization to a combination of staff and volunteers all center around communication and consistency in implementing our plans and programming. This breaks down into three areas:

  • Clear communication between the board of directors, USMS committees, staff, LMSC’s and volunteers.
  • Consistency in the execution of plans and initiatives at the national and local levels.
  • Continued redefining and realignment of volunteer and staff responsibilities.

As the Vice President of Community Services and a member of the Board of Directors I will invest the time to ensure I’m aware of and adhere to our mission and goals as determined by the membership and our updated Strategic Plan. As liaison to the Sports Medicine and Science, Fitness and Coaches Committees, I will work with these teams of volunteers to align with our overall objectives and assist in the communication of the committee’s plans at a national and LMSC level. And I will address each issue and opportunity with the philosophy, “what is the best and most efficient way to achieve the goal or implement the plan” and not be limited by what has been done historically.


Please list USMS committees on which you have served. Include the dates you were on the committees and the names of the committee chairs under whom you served:

  • Championship Committee, Jan 2008-Current, Chairs Mark Moore (2008-2010) & Jeff Roddin (2010-Current)
  • Coaches Committee, Nov 2010 – Current, Chair Craig Keller


Please list any other experience that relates to your qualifications for the position.

Other relevant work, event and sports governing body experience:

  • Associate Athletic Director – San Jose State University
  • Special Events Manager & Avery Aquatic Center Manager – Stanford University
  • Meet Director – USA Swimming National Championships, NCAA Water Polo Championships
  • Tournament Director – NCAA Men’s Basketball, First and Second Rounds
  • Associate Director – USA Track & Field National Championships