Licensed to USMS National Office - For Office Use Only License
                                                      HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 4.0
         2013 USMS Spring National Championships, Sanction #: 163-S001         
                          IU Natatorium, Indianapolis                          
                     Meet Program - Thursday, May 9, 2013                      
Event 3  Mixed 1650 Yard Freestyle
     Name                         Age Club
Heat 1 of 22 Timed Finals   
  2  Schmidt, Jurgen              M90 MVN                      34:44.61 
  3  Martin, Judy                 W70 VMST                     33:30.00 
  4  Johnston, Jessica            W46 ISWM                     33:00.00 
  5  Schmaltz, Elizabeth          W33 MICH                     33:25.00 
  6  Burgess, H. William          M84 HIMA                     34:27.88 
  7  Huber, Jessica               W42 ISWM                     35:00.00 
Heat 2 of 22 Timed Finals   
  3  Hunt, Ann                    W73 MICH                     35:56.80 
  4  Groaning, Michael            M42 ISWM                     35:16.94 
  5  Forgione, David              M58 MICH                     35:45.53 
Heat 3 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Dayton, Barry                M67 IM                       31:30.00 
  2  Stolz, Irwin                 M83 GAJA                     31:21.43 
  3  Beach, Robert                M82 SPM                      30:00.00 
  4  Chisholm, Dick               M78 O*H*                     29:33.66 
  5  Powell, William              M76 SKY                      29:40.20 
  6  Shockro, Ellen               W70 MESC                     30:15.59 
  7  Mullins, Stephen             M80 IM                       31:30.00 
  8  Catlin, Vicki                W68 SKY                      32:00.00 
Heat 4 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Spence, Thomas               M68 O*H*                     28:02.72 
  2  Bayless, Jerrilynn           W51 THT                      27:51.60 
  3  Twomey, Maura                W56 NEM                      27:39.36 
  4  Durrant, Betsy               W71 VMST                     27:30.55 
  5  Oberg, Jane                  W75 CMS                      27:30.60 
  6  Valvano, John                M56 CMS                      27:48.87 
  7  Wood, Craig                  M72 ETEX                     28:00.00 
  8  Burfeind, Betty              W66 IM                       29:00.00 
Heat 5 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Stengel, Alta                W62 SDSM                     27:07.55 
  2  Tanimura, Laurie             W60 IM                       27:00.00 
  3  Baldwin, Tricia              W22 SKY                      26:30.08 
  4  Moore, Michael               M62 USF                      26:17.00 
  5  Halff, Henry                 M70 MOST                     26:19.21 
  6  Moore, Mary                  W56 MGM                      27:00.00 
  7  Casey, Kathrine              W64 PSM                      27:01.69 
  8  Monahan, Richard             M71 METR                     27:25.00 
Heat 6 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Callaway, Linda              W60 MOST                     26:06.63 
  2  Volz, Kristin                W39 SFTL                     25:48.31 
  3  Strange, Larry               M59 CSI                      25:45.92 
  4  Walker, Robin                W57 NAST                     25:15.10 
  5  Feather, Shawn               W52 AGM                      25:32.09 
  6  Fasbender, Barry             M75 STAN                     25:47.06 
  7  Heavilon, Jeffrey            M57 CSI                      26:04.48 
  8  Owens, Robert                M66 VCM                      26:15.00 
Heat 7 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Huang, Chi-Ying              W41 ROSE                     24:45.15 
  2  Gortowski, Debbie            W56 IM                       24:40.00 
  3  Tulenko, Tom                 M70 1776                     24:30.00 
  4  Kregor, Janice               W56 SKY                      24:24.78 
  5  Raffaelli, Larry             M70 VCM                      24:30.00 
  6  Miller, Patricia             W52 VMST                     24:32.16 
  7  Irick, Larry                 M56 MOVY                     24:43.42 
  8  Montrella, Beverly           W66 MVN                      25:03.35 
Heat 8 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Lyman, Carolyn               W62 UTAH                     24:04.18 
  2  Kavanagh, Suzanne            W50 NEM                      24:00.00 
  3  Rokich, Karen                W54 ANBM                     23:56.79 
  4  Brown, Mary Beth             W41 INDY                     23:52.18 
  5  Shoenberger, Linda           W65 TAM                      23:53.44 
  6  Helgesen, Kelsey             W22 ROSE                     24:00.00 
  7  Walker, Joseph               M71 SNM                      24:01.70 
  8  Caves, Judy                  W53 CHAR                     24:12.97 
Heat 9 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Guthrie, Sally               W63 MICH                     23:29.85 
  2  Van Cleave, Julie            W54 WMAC                     23:05.36 
  3  Salkind, Neil                M66 MOVY                     23:00.00 
  4  Saint Aubin, Patricia        W55 NEM                      22:58.58 
  5  Reeder, Forest               M50 IM                       23:00.00 
  6  Quinn, Phyllis               W57 TOC                      23:02.71 
  7  Harbison, Audrey             W49 THT                      23:24.55 
  8  Abrams, Kathleen             W57 INDY                     23:30.00 
Heat 10 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Katzman, Debbie              W46 WMAC                     22:51.13 
  2  Mange, James                 M55 PSM                      22:35.00 
  3  Pasterczyk, Christine        W46 NEM                      22:32.30 
  4  Humphrey, Laura              W38 SKY                      22:30.00 
  5  Cowing, John                 M64 MICH                     22:30.00 
  6  Bierwert, Karen              W60 NEM                      22:33.61 
  7  Knuth, Clark                 M64 WMAC                     22:50.00 
  8  Reed, Bonnie                 W20 COLE                     22:57.84 
Heat 11 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Larson, Allen                M60 OREG                     22:14.79 
  2  Smart, Denise                W50 TULS                     22:12.84 
  3  Murray, Gail                 W55 SKY                      22:05.13 
  4  Brown, Lisa                  W50 ZAM                      22:02.38 
  5  Norman, Timothy              M53 DAS                      22:02.68 
  6  Craffey, Joan                W60 AGUA                     22:09.00 
  7  Dickson, Bob                 M57 INDY                     22:13.11 
  8  Bruce, Bob                   M65 OREG                     22:15.01 
Heat 12 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Kimple, Karen                W51 WMAC                     21:56.90 
  2  Swope, Danielle              W34 NAST                     21:50.50 
  3  May, Jennifer                W44 WMAC                     21:40.01 
  4  Clark, Dawn                  W48 SPM                      21:38.67 
  5  Fairman, Abigail             W36 REDT                     21:39.78 
  6  Birmelin, Jenny              W35 MICH                     21:44.87 
  7  Olson, Chuck                 M63 MICH                     21:56.00 
  8  Saunders, Adam               M35 AKMS                     22:00.00 
Heat 13 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Lawrie, Jim                  M66 SNM                      21:34.29 
  2  Yoder, Heidi                 W32 JYMF                     21:30.00 
  3  Engineri, Paul               M62 BUMS                     21:22.95 
  4  Alcantar, Eduardo            M20 PSM                      21:19.98 
  5  Eggar, Jack                  M60 ELG                      21:20.05 
  6  Wilson, Ellen                W36 SPAW                     21:29.25 
  7  Verville, Julia              W40 ISWM                     21:31.20 
  8  Huneke, Jan                  M59 SKY                      21:37.07 
Heat 14 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Zahorik, Barbara             W49 IM                       21:10.00 
  2  Craven, Leslie               W53 NEM                      21:05.42 
  3  Leiser, Graeme               M36 INDY                     21:02.99 
  4  Zedonis, Lisa                W51 INDY                     21:00.00 
  5  Aumiller, Joe                M55 MICH                     21:00.01 
  6  Spratt, Mark                 M57 INDY                     21:03.20 
  7  Fauquher, Sara               W35 INDY                     21:07.00 
  8  Knowles, Andy                M58 SWIF                     21:10.57 
Heat 15 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Ware, Allison                W32 EXCL                     20:50.07 
  2  Olden, Levi                  M22 HMS                      20:45.00 
  3  Hindle, Lori                 W37 NEM                      20:33.47 
  4  Dawson, Logan                M22 ISWM                     20:28.59 
  5  Harrison, Jennifer           W42 ELG                      20:30.00 
  6  Thompson, Reese              M54 MOVY                     20:36.18 
  7  Cimilluca, Krista            W42 ELG                      20:48.88 
  8  Zurcher, Kip                 M39 INDY                     21:00.00 
Heat 16 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Spivey, Bonnie               W54 MVN                      20:26.49 
  2  Cleveland, Nicole            W24 ABM                      20:23.39 
  3  Snell, Lisa                  W32 JYMF                     20:20.99 
  4  Bookwalter, Thomas           M36 INDY                     20:14.00 
  5  Phillips, Daniel             M50 PSM                      20:14.00 
  6  VonJentzen, Emily            W30 KATS                     20:21.50 
  7  Catellier, Kenneth           M52 INDY                     20:23.77 
  8  English, Britta              W39 INDY                     20:28.00 
Heat 17 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Richardson, Lindsay          W33 MICH                     20:04.33 
  2  Port, Juliet                 W37 INDY                     20:01.78 
  3  Vanderpoel, Nicole           W48 CMS                      20:00.50 
  4  Koltz, Jessica               W24 BUMS                     20:00.00 
  5  Shipp, Bill                  M53 TERR                     20:00.05 
  6  Schickore, Jutta             W48 DOC                      20:01.69 
  7  Hubert, Craig                M48 JAM                      20:02.00 
  8  Mathews, Erin                W27 MARY                     20:13.05 
Heat 18 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Williamson, Eric             M22 HMS                      19:58.97 
  2  Meade, Matthew               M47 PTMS                     19:52.88 
  3  Rodon, William               M49 CHGO                     19:48.00 
  4  Gibson, Christopher          M57 UNAT                     19:39.51 
  5  Scanlan, Kevin               M58 ELG                      19:40.00 
  6  Bernal, Genevieve            W33 WLAC                     19:51.84 
  7  Clark, David                 M55 WMAC                     19:54.20 
  8  Abounassar, Michael          M37 ROSE                     20:00.00 
Heat 19 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Countryman, Marianne         W48 GAJA                     19:34.60 
  2  Anderson, Sydney             W21 PSM                      19:32.00 
  3  Wasserman, Neil              M58 O*H*                     19:23.00 
  4  Rian, Victoria               W46 NAST                     19:17.84 
  5  Garza, Richard               M25 WOW                      19:22.52 
  6  Mc Kay, Matthew              M41 TOC                      19:31.03 
  7  Modjeska, Mark               M60 ARIZ                     19:34.00 
  8  Branch, Katherine            W55 NEM                      19:37.27 
Heat 20 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Crawford, Ashley             W35 BSLM                     19:07.32 
  2  Brackett, Bill               M55 CMS                      19:00.00 
  3  Maydak, Jeffrey              M39 NAST                     18:40.12 
  4  Ripley, Rachel               W28 INDY                     18:35.38 
  5  Passos, Andre                M39 ROSE                     18:40.00 
  6  Lee, Lawrence                M44 NCMS                     18:54.50 
  7  Perry, Matt                  M26 MICH                     19:00.77 
  8  Wendt, George                M65 CHGO                     19:15.00 
Heat 21 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Biles, James                 M52 WMAC                     18:31.22 
  2  Snyder, Alex                 M23 INDY                     18:30.00 
  3  Johnson, Luke                M30 FSTM                     18:13.01 
  4  Adams, James                 M35 HMS                      18:03.13 
  5  Hug, Laurie                  W48 1776                     18:08.81 
  6  McCulloch, Michael           M38 INDY                     18:21.40 
  7  Bookwalter, George           M35 DOC                      18:30.50 
  8  Dolence, Mike                M40 INDY                     18:35.07 
Heat 22 of 22 Timed Finals   
  1  Morgan, Andrew               M27 CSPM                     18:00.00 
  2  Davis, William               M45 NCMS                     17:57.24 
  3  Shaffer, Mike                M47 VCM                      17:24.07 
  4  Christensen, Eric            M38 BDO                      16:25.11 
  5  Erwin, Jeff                  M48 BLU                      16:54.72 
  6  Nelson, Kirk                 M43 PSM                      17:39.80 
  7  Gilmore, Katie               W29 ALEX                     17:58.45 
  8  Chebotarev, Oleg             M44 JAM                      18:01.38