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                                   HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 3.0 5/20/2010 09:42 AM
           2010 USMS SC National Championships, Sanction #: 4510-S01           
                          Georgia Tech Aquatic Center                          
                     Meet Program - Thursday, May 20, 2010                     
Event 3  Mixed 1650 Yard Freestyle
     Name                         Age Team
Heat 1 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Campbell, Joan K             W80 FACT                     32:11.20 
  2  Whalen, Nana                 W72 LCM                      31:16.03 
  3  Kittles, Ginny               W52 GAJA                     30:00.00 
  4  Volz, Kristin R              W36 FLAQ                     28:43.02 
  5  Nelson, Don G                M71 TULS                     28:27.23 
  6  Hlavacek, Ida M              W68 VMST                     28:28.40 
  7  Lamb, Willard J              M87 OREG                     28:52.91 
  8  Miller, Jamie A              M55 NCMS                     30:34.73 
  9  Saunders, Patricia A         W66 AGUA                     31:55.00 
 10  Marens, Susan E              W68 VMST                     32:20.35 
Heat 2 of 18 Timed Finals   
  3  Callaway, June               W75 GAJA                     38:18.00 
  4  Manheim, Lucy M              W67 RMST                     33:00.00 
  5  Cormack, Jennifer C          W41 GSMS                     32:37.40 
  6  Catlin, Vicki                W65 SKY                      32:55.65 
  7  Waite, Nancy A               W76 O*H*                     34:10.72 
  8  Neubig, Philip H             M80 BMST                     44:01.00 
Heat 3 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Turner, Kay G                W63 NIAG                     28:04.01 
  2  Kelischek, Michael J         M54 GAJA                     28:00.00 
  3  Knight, Larry                M56 UNAT                     27:30.93 
  4  Beach, Robert E              M79 SPM                      27:00.00 
  5  Payne, Brenda                W62 UNAT                     26:37.25 
  6  Wood, Craig A                M69 ETEX                     26:59.25 
  7  Lambert, Lisa S              W51 UNAT                     27:30.00 
  8  Dailey, William              M48 UNAT                     28:00.00 
  9  Stolz, Irwin W               M80 GAJA                     28:00.00 
 10  Stephens, Mary L             W67 GAJA                     28:25.15 
Heat 4 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Monahan, Richard S           M68 METR                     26:11.25 
  2  Larson, Linda L              W54 FLAQ                     26:07.07 
  3  Durrant, Betsy               W68 VMST                     25:53.15 
  4  Anziano, Marcia              W65 CMS                      25:32.50 
  5  Sturges, Steve P             M65 BAM                      25:10.31 
  6  Fasbender, Barry A           M72 STAN                     25:15.72 
  7  Callaway, Linda S            W57 MOST                     25:50.94 
  8  Adams, Ted B                 M41 GAJA                     26:00.00 
  9  Hamilton, Raymond H          M66 AKMS                     26:10.57 
 10  Wood, Larry W                M56 TXLA                     26:30.20 
Heat 5 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Hilton, Patti K              W57 GSMS                     25:00.16 
  2  Geiger, Pam                  W57 SPM                      24:49.00 
  3  Pothier, Katie               W27 GAJA                     24:12.00 
  4  Bahamon, Luis E              M48 WH2O                     24:00.00 
  5  Lyman, Carolyn B             W59 UTAH                     23:57.15 
  6  Hellmann, Stephen D          M66 SKY                      24:00.00 
  7  Smith, Scott A               M39 MICH                     24:00.00 
  8  Moore, Michael W             M59 USF                      24:30.00 
  9  Kirk, Susan                  W49 BERK                     25:00.00 
 10  Wright, Jill M               W59 SAWS                     25:02.27 
Heat 6 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Van Horn, William G          M71 TOC                      23:50.00 
  2  Kimbrough, Doris R           W50 CMS                      23:34.39 
  3  Quanrud, John O              M63 GAJA                     23:30.00 
  4  Asam, Michael R              M38 GAJA                     23:30.00 
  5  Foote, David E               M60 VCM                      23:25.00 
  6  Kregor, Janice               W53 SKY                      23:27.94 
  7  English, Rauni A             W51 NIAG                     23:30.00 
  8  Braaten, Kitten              W54 VMST                     23:30.31 
  9  McCarthy, Shaun              M49 DAMM                     23:35.59 
 10  Hinson, Jan D                W56 BSLM                     23:53.21 
Heat 7 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Wilson, Debbie R             W56 NCMS                     23:21.81 
  2  Kessinger, Katy L            W55 UTAH                     23:08.76 
  3  Van Cleave, Julie M          W51 WMAC                     23:02.74 
  4  Derr, Kirsten L              W45 CMS                      23:00.00 
  5  Richardson, Alvin            M59 VMST                     23:00.00 
  6  Raffaelli, Larry L           M67 VCM                      23:00.00 
  7  Anderson, Don                M45 SSMS                     23:00.00 
  8  Conroy, Bill                 M66 TERR                     23:07.07 
  9  Mitchel, Sandy H             W50 ARIZ                     23:14.45 
 10  Mitchell, Alison A           W56 MVN                      23:21.93 
Heat 8 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Bleuel, Bart S               M68 VCM                      22:49.95 
  2  Larson, Kristin A            W44 LYTA                     22:45.00 
  3  Nguyen, Son                  M30 MESC                     22:31.24 
  4  Walker, Joseph R             M68 SNM                      22:30.00 
  5  Herbst, Liz                  W47 FLAQ                     22:22.53 
  6  Quinn, Phyllis E             W54 TOC                      22:23.02 
  7  Ward, Mimi H                 W51 SKY                      22:30.80 
  8  Galletly, Sandy              M67 VMST                     22:36.37 
  9  Saint Aubin, Patricia S      W52 NEM                      22:46.30 
 10  Van Enkenvoort, Krista R     W36 WMAC                     22:59.70 
Heat 9 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Lee, Terrence J              M60 NCMS                     22:12.60 
  2  Shoenberger, Linda R         W62 TAM                      22:01.14 
  3  Partelow, Glenn              M62 DYSM                     22:00.00 
  4  Burson, William W            M65 CMS                      22:00.00 
  5  Boilesen, Tiffany J          W25 IM                       21:57.96 
  6  Jaeger, Debbie K             W47 VMST                     21:58.85 
  7  Qualls-Kalafut, Mary E       W45 RAY                      22:00.00 
  8  Freeman, Stephan J           M54 SPM                      22:00.00 
  9  Hamel, Laura                 W45 SYSM                     22:11.00 
 10  Hall, Ali R                  W48 MARY                     22:15.00 
Heat 10 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Hooe, Donna L                W47 GAJA                     21:46.37 
  2  Burkart, Dana M              W38 1776                     21:44.47 
  3  Swoch, Sarah R               W24 SPM                      21:34.28 
  4  Broad, Pamela A              W37 AWJ                      21:20.00 
  5  Hankins, Maria E             W36 GAJA                     20:55.00 
  6  Evans, Bill                  M59 GCPS                     21:02.14 
  7  Fairman, Abigail A           W33 REDT                     21:33.25 
  8  Hartley, Chris G             W35 RAY                      21:41.25 
  9  Meador, Maureen M            W41 GAJA                     21:46.00 
 10  Preslar, Jay                 M58 GSMS                     21:52.52 
Heat 11 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Banashak, Madeline M         W19 PNA                      20:42.90 
  2  Brewer, Mark A               M28 IAMA                     20:40.00 
  3  Walker, Trenholm             M57 SMRT                     20:38.00 
  4  Amador, William J            M23 GMSC                     20:30.67 
  5  Franklin, Rebecca L          W41 QMST                     20:29.81 
  6  Moffett, Erica L             W40 AGUA                     20:30.00 
  7  Perry, Andrew M              M41 GAJA                     20:34.91 
  8  Wilder, Hugh                 M62 SMRT                     20:40.00 
  9  Lawrie, Jim                  M64 SNM                      20:41.79 
 10  Sanders, Drew Y              M40 TOC                      20:44.35 
Heat 12 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Thomas, Lillian M            W27 TERR                     20:17.48 
  2  Aziz, Kristin A              W44 GAJA                     20:11.96 
  3  Kiefer, Stacey L             W32 WMAC                     20:05.89 
  4  Palace, Mark                 M37 AQNT                     20:01.22 
  5  Hillman, Allen F             M42 SYSM                     20:00.51 
  6  Waldenmayer, Jonathan E      M33 NCMS                     20:01.00 
  7  Henry, B J                   W46 WCM                      20:04.06 
  8  Hartley, Larry S             M50 NCMS                     20:06.04 
  9  Costello, Patrick C          M51 GAJA                     20:16.71 
 10  Copeland, Megan              W20 GAJA                     20:21.50 
Heat 13 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Wendkos, David               M38 CVMM                     19:58.99 
  2  Reinke, Cheryl M             W45 UNAT                     19:56.13 
  3  Bierden, Sheryl              W36 NEM                      19:52.26 
  4  Richardson, Larry            M50 NEM                      19:50.05 
  5  Adams, Daniel P              M54 WH2O                     19:47.59 
  6  Van Doorn, Catherine E       W19 GMSC                     19:49.12 
  7  Epstein, Joshua E            M20 GMSC                     19:51.40 
  8  Schickore, Jutta             W45 DOC                      19:52.31 
  9  Meade, Matthew H             M44 AMAM                     19:57.76 
 10  Richardson, Kim G            W41 CMS                      20:00.00 
Heat 14 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Selles, Carl H               M63 SPM                      19:40.00 
  2  Meyer, Marguerite            W51 TOC                      19:27.63 
  3  Blatt, Michael J             M54 VCM                      19:25.13 
  4  Kirby, Dillard               M50 DRMS                     19:25.00 
  5  Steadman Martin, Nancy       W55 GSM                      19:22.45 
  6  Cox, Juliet E                W42 MAM                      19:24.05 
  7  Greene, Chris C              M48 GAJA                     19:25.00 
  8  Ghimenti, Lee Anne           W40 VCM                      19:25.67 
  9  Thomas, Sean M               M26 UNAT                     19:39.54 
 10  Ramnath, Fernette P          W44 SYSM                     19:45.00 
Heat 15 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Palace, Kelly                W48 AQNT                     19:22.09 
  2  Klemes, Jeffrey A            M51 UCLA                     19:12.08 
  3  Welborn, Jimmy               M55 RATS                     19:00.01 
  4  Leiser, Jennifer S           W30 NCMS                     18:55.00 
  5  Davis, Kern M                M55 SPM                      18:50.00 
  6  Cervantes, Daniel            M36 PCAT                     18:55.00 
  7  Guadagni, Peter M            M55 WCM                      18:55.51 
  8  Marks, Cynthia F             W30 NCMS                     19:05.59 
  9  Rudloff, Edward              M62 TOC                      19:14.02 
 10  Swanton, Sara                W23 GMSC                     19:22.36 
Heat 16 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Clemmons, Jim                M60 MAM                      18:44.50 
  2  Smith, Brent S               M27 TXLA                     18:39.96 
  3  Hopson, Bruce E              M44 SLAM                     18:38.38 
  4  Castner, Scott V             M38 UNAT                     18:30.00 
  5  Lee, Kristi D                W34 SAWS                     18:25.24 
  6  Trimble, Ginny               W25 DAS                      18:30.00 
  7  Copeland, Rob                M53 GAJA                     18:33.90 
  8  Preslar, Jason               M22 GSMS                     18:39.32 
  9  Bell, Alan                   M60 PNA                      18:41.00 
 10  McGiffin, Chris D            M44 BERK                     18:49.37 
Heat 17 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Rice, Kim Sarah              W29 NCMS                     18:20.73 
  2  Dantzler, Amy L              W45 WH2O                     18:14.27 
  3  Hug, Laurie                  W45 1776                     18:11.81 
  4  Kriger, Joel                 M56 SYSM                     18:02.78 
  5  Berryhill, Keith             M50 RAY                      18:00.00 
  6  Ely, Shane M                 M39 GAJA                     18:01.70 
  7  Seibt, Andreas K             M52 IM                       18:05.92 
  8  Nowak, Peter J               M28 WMAC                     18:12.57 
  9  Karas, Paul G                M55 MICH                     18:16.99 
 10  Jackson, Dale E              M49 MICH                     18:24.65 
Heat 18 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Morrison, Evan               M30 CSMT                     17:59.80 
  2  Dittrich, Wolfgang           M48 CMS                      17:45.99 
  3  Kercheval, Josh              M29 IM                       17:06.12 
  4  Brophy, Neil J               M49 NIAG                     16:47.82 
  5  Wadley, Brian                M30 WH2O                     16:09.72 
  6  Erwin, Jeff T                M45 SAWS                     16:34.49 
  7  Sims, David E                M47 IM                       16:52.33 
  8  Bailey, Matthew A            M48 AWJ                      17:34.78 
  9  Bond, William R              M49 AWJ                      17:53.30 
 10  Mc Conica, Jim               M59 VCM                      17:59.99