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                                   HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 3.0 5/20/2010 08:40 AM
           2010 USMS SC National Championships, Sanction #: 4510-S01           
                          Georgia Tech Aquatic Center                          
                     Meet Program - Thursday, May 20, 2010                     
Event 1  Mixed 1000 Yard Freestyle
     Name                         Age Team
Heat 1 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Roudebush, George M          M85 PNA                      23:50.00 
  2  Kornfeld, Maurine E          W88 MVN                      23:16.83 
  3  Ellis, Richard               M77 METR                     19:48.00 
  4  Harwart, Paul H              M53 GAJA                     19:33.00 
  5  Sutherland, Kate             W62 PNA                      18:45.00 
  6  Schumacher, George J         M69 GAJA                     19:00.00 
  7  Chuven, Herb                 M71 GAJA                     19:45.00 
  8  Copeland, Parkie J           W80 GAJA                     21:18.58 
  9  Trevison, Ellie              W67 FACT                     23:18.00 
 10  Bayly, Helen H               W73 ARIZ                     24:21.58 
Heat 2 of 20 Timed Finals   
  3  Dunivin, Anne A              W93 GAJA                     38:38.00 
  4  Anderson, Jody               W80 CMS                      25:30.00 
  5  Eisele, Barbara M            W79 LCM                      24:22.35 
  6  Murray, D J                  W80 LCM                      25:00.00 
  7  Bogue, Sherri L              W46 FMM                      30:00.00 
Heat 3 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Tullman, Patricia A          W73 FMM                      17:49.46 
  2  Conkey, Nancy D              W65 SNM                      17:39.33 
  3  Allen, Susan J               W65 USF                      17:00.00 
  4  Blake, William V             M73 MOST                     17:00.00 
  5  Kaufmann, Karen E            W45 VMST                     16:43.26 
  6  Watson, Lisa L               W56 GAJA                     16:49.56 
  7  Trevison, Rick               M67 FACT                     17:00.00 
  8  Arnold, Tita                 W68 SKY                      17:30.00 
  9  Martin, Judy                 W67 VMST                     17:40.00 
 10  Marane, Bentley B            W66 GAJA                     18:20.00 
Heat 4 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Leventhal, Laura M           W53 BGSC                     16:10.33 
  2  Birkhead, Jane C             W69 MOST                     16:05.02 
  3  Miller, David W              M69 GAJA                     15:40.00 
  4  Connolly, Petie              W56 UNAT                     15:30.00 
  5  Dunham, Larry M              M72 NEM                      15:28.43 
  6  Hepworth, Jeri               W57 RIDG                     15:30.00 
  7  Prall, Winifred S            W62 CMS                      15:30.07 
  8  Many, Cecile                 W56 SMS                      15:50.00 
  9  Tyler, Sarah L               W65 SNM                      16:10.00 
 10  Sarg, Kathleen B             W66 AGUA                     16:42.41 
Heat 5 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Good, Larry A                M76 SLAM                     15:20.20 
  2  Brown, Doug B                M71 GOLD                     15:00.00 
  3  Miller, Steve                M54 GAJA                     15:00.00 
  4  Biskaduros, Gabrielle C      W19 GMSC                     14:58.12 
  5  Swoboda, Sandy               W46 MARY                     14:52.58 
  6  Burr, Ken M                  M65 WCM                      14:53.93 
  7  Johnson, Paula               W48 AWJ                      15:00.00 
  8  Heavilon, Jeffrey A          M54 CSI                      15:00.00 
  9  Stokes, Fred J               M65 GAJA                     15:20.00 
 10  Bednar, Christy              W65 DAMM                     15:24.34 
Heat 6 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Woodruff, Michael            M65 BAM                      14:45.00 
  2  Tukua, Karen M               W60 WCM                      14:42.72 
  3  Rogers, Eugenia (Jennie) A   W57 NCMS                     14:42.00 
  4  Veater, Betty B              W63 GAJA                     14:30.00 
  5  Hahn, Richard                M67 NITR                     14:19.35 
  6  Flinn, Emma                  W60 NCMS                     14:23.22 
  7  Summers, Jeanna              W56 OREG                     14:36.41 
  8  Singer, Shannon R            W40 PNA                      14:42.59 
  9  Erickson, Martha             W58 EXCL                     14:44.90 
 10  Pohlmann, Mary M             W65 SLAM                     14:47.88 
Heat 7 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Montrella, Beverly J         W63 MVN                      14:07.01 
  2  Lyttle, Ann B                W62 GAJA                     14:00.00 
  3  Fisher, Barbie               W50 NCMS                     13:53.97 
  4  Ferreira, Pedro M            M41 RAY                      13:41.00 
  5  Eng, David G                 M51 AWJ                      13:35.91 
  6  Rencher, Bill                M39 GAJA                     13:39.84 
  7  Beach, Lynn                  W53 GAJA                     13:42.71 
  8  Guthrie, Sally K             W60 MICH                     13:55.55 
  9  Youngers, Ellen K            W52 MINN                     14:06.64 
 10  Green, James M               M65 NCMS                     14:10.01 
Heat 8 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Lollis, Jonathan A           M19 GMSC                     13:30.45 
  2  Hajost, Cynthia M            W50 RMST                     13:30.00 
  3  Hendricks, Geneve E          W41 WM                       13:15.00 
  4  Bailey, Hop                  M63 ARIZ                     13:12.26 
  5  Bolan, Kristy H              W40 GAJA                     13:07.97 
  6  Bianchi, Felicia A           W47 AWJ                      13:11.51 
  7  Mattson, Skippy              W56 GAJA                     13:14.91 
  8  Bailie, Bridget A            W40 ISF                      13:21.05 
  9  Bailey, Chelsea L            W20 AWJ                      13:30.01 
 10  Conn, Christopher            M61 UNAT                     13:33.46 
Heat 9 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Fitzgerald, Sean             M46 GAJA                     13:00.00 
  2  Mills, Doug                  M60 BSLM                     13:00.00 
  3  Long, Natasha L              W20 GMSC                     12:59.00 
  4  Edwards, Bonnie B            W38 OREG                     12:55.67 
  5  Dornan, Gwen A               W47 USF                      12:53.54 
  6  Sumrall, Chase               M19 GMSC                     12:54.25 
  7  Steinmann, Sharon B          W52 SPM                      12:57.26 
  8  Nance, Aunya F               W25 GMSC                     12:59.12 
  9  Munger, Dot                  W58 1776                     13:00.00 
 10  Pruett, Lauren E             W18 GMSC                     13:04.12 
Heat 10 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Rohner, Patricia A           W50 NCMS                     12:50.30 
  2  Gitzinger, Jennifer          W35 IM                       12:50.05 
  3  Barfield, Mary E             W28 LVM                      12:50.00 
  4  Finch, Merry B               W55 UTAH                     12:48.18 
  5  Vorhies, Stacey A            W40 MOVY                     12:46.03 
  6  Dore, Mary G                 W46 NCMS                     12:47.75 
  7  Williams, Frank              M70 SDSM                     12:50.00 
  8  Wilson, Marly J              W26 FACT                     12:50.00 
  9  Jensen, Sue                  W49 NEM                      12:50.24 
 10  Fries, Beth                  W52 MESC                     12:51.14 
Heat 11 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Willert, Dan T               M67 WCM                      12:40.09 
  2  Lintz, Steve                 M59 SNM                      12:37.32 
  3  Shore, Susan D               W47 WH2O                     12:30.80 
  4  Alioto, Laurie J             W52 WMAC                     12:30.00 
  5  Miller, Celeste              W60 SNM                      12:28.00 
  6  Hagadorn, Heather            W45 CMS                      12:29.00 
  7  Gaulin, Adam M               M21 MESC                     12:30.00 
  8  McEachran, Frances T         W48 NCMS                     12:35.16 
  9  Stewart, Dick                M70 MVN                      12:40.00 
 10  Scott, Sheryl L              W47 NEM                      12:44.00 
Heat 12 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Stites, Jim S                M52 ARIZ                     12:24.99 
  2  Quitasol, Wendy              W47 NBAC                     12:20.80 
  3  Strong, Susan D              W38 WCM                      12:20.00 
  4  Eggar, Jack                  M57 ELG                      12:15.00 
  5  Jones, Judd                  M52 GKMS                     12:12.07 
  6  Moore, Alison B              W39 VMST                     12:14.37 
  7  Adams, Kari S                W44 LVM                      12:17.00 
  8  Korduba, Adrian B            M28 GMSC                     12:20.20 
  9  Modjeska, Mark E             M57 1776                     12:20.82 
 10  Switaj, Caitlin B            W21 PNA                      12:27.66 
Heat 13 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Clark, David L               M52 WMAC                     12:02.40 
  2  LeClair, Dale A              W40 GOLD                     12:00.00 
  3  Tacca, Jeffrey               M43 AWJ                      12:00.00 
  4  Davis, Don M                 M65 RHMS                     11:58.20 
  5  Gruber, Glenn A              M60 VCM                      11:56.20 
  6  Caruth, Joseph E             M28 NCMS                     11:56.45 
  7  Grasis, Augie                M56 MOVY                     11:59.00 
  8  Thompson, Frank L            M58 MICH                     12:00.00 
  9  Couch, Bob E                 M63 AWJ                      12:00.19 
 10  Klenzak, Andrew P            M43 GAJA                     12:06.00 
Heat 14 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Olson, Chuck A               M60 MICH                     11:55.00 
  2  Grilli, Tracy L              W53 NEM                      11:52.61 
  3  Sumerfield, Bill H           M49 OREG                     11:47.97 
  4  Liberty, Laurel M            W28 IM                       11:45.50 
  5  Childers, Kelly              M49 TULS                     11:45.00 
  6  Voss, Peter M                M48 CSI                      11:45.22 
  7  Foster, Becky B              W24 UNAT                     11:45.67 
  8  Geary, Bill                  M52 NEM                      11:49.89 
  9  Arneson, Gaard               M62 MICH                     11:53.13 
 10  Ekstrom, Gretchen F          W43 TERR                     11:56.12 
Heat 15 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Elias-Williams, Maria L      W45 GSMS                     11:45.00 
  2  Meltz, Joel M                M53 NEM                      11:40.06 
  3  Einsidler, Karen L           W54 AGUA                     11:40.00 
  4  D'Englere, Paul M            M48 NCMS                     11:33.89 
  5  Borton, Dan                  M42 ROSE                     11:30.75 
  6  Rushman, C J                 M38 SKY                      11:33.21 
  7  Thiry, Michael A             M34 IM                       11:34.00 
  8  Wood, Jeffrey E              M40 NEM                      11:40.00 
  9  Siegel, Craig O              M52 NITR                     11:42.46 
 10  Kerns, Hubie                 M60 VCM                      11:45.00 
Heat 16 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Gogulski, David H            M41 NITR                     11:30.00 
  2  Pendleton, Mike L            M58 OREG                     11:20.84 
  3  Cooper, Christopher E        M46 VCM                      11:15.00 
  4  Boodt, Bradley N             M42 LVM                      11:14.64 
  5  Brown, Denise H              W50 MICH                     11:12.98 
  6  Hennessey, Katherine C       W31 NBAC                     11:13.98 
  7  White, Bob L                 M55 WMAC                     11:15.00 
  8  Schumacher, Rick             M46 RATS                     11:15.00 
  9  Gundersen, Karl R            M40 SLAM                     11:22.60 
 10  Klestinec, Robin L           W48 NAM                      11:30.20 
Heat 17 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Hathaway, David              M49 OREG                     11:12.07 
  2  Jones, Kenton R              M42 SDSM                     11:10.32 
  3  Haarsgaard, James E          M20 GMSC                     11:10.00 
  4  Sax, William C               M41 GMUP                     11:07.10 
  5  Patrick, Kennerly C          M22 GMSC                     11:04.07 
  6  Tunov, Petar I               M31 FACT                     11:05.64 
  7  Diers, Jeremy H              M35 GAJA                     11:08.99 
  8  LeClair, David W             M42 GOLD                     11:10.00 
  9  Palm, Jeff A                 M38 GAJA                     11:11.55 
 10  Davis, William A             M42 NCMS                     11:12.24 
Heat 18 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Kelsey, Jane M               W34 REDT                     11:03.84 
  2  Ellis, Andrew F              M41 TERR                     11:00.00 
  3  Townsend, Scott              M56 LVM                      10:58.90 
  4  Rambadt, Don                 M40 WMAC                     10:57.54 
  5  Libit, Bryan A               M31 WH2O                     10:56.10 
  6  Thain, Doug A                M50 MTSC                     10:57.47 
  7  Fuller, David S              M45 CMS                      10:58.00 
  8  Robling, Steve W             M40 NCMS                     11:00.00 
  9  Gray, Zachary A              M27 MESC                     11:02.79 
 10  Nalli, Lyle A                M50 PNA                      11:04.00 
Heat 19 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Maydak, Jeffrey M            M36 NAST                     10:53.03 
  2  Whitney, Ashley              W30 EXCL                     10:50.00 
  3  Hollett, Peter G             M50 NCMS                     10:45.60 
  4  Aiken, Sherah                W22 GMSC                     10:31.13 
  5  Bockius, Edward C            M43 USF                      10:28.96 
  6  Calvert, Mark A              M50 TMM                      10:30.41 
  7  Haarsgaard, Patrick E        M20 GMSC                     10:42.92 
  8  Melanson, Edward L           M47 CMS                      10:47.33 
  9  Collins, Michael D           M44 NOVA                     10:51.25 
 10  Gellatly, Jill E             W42 WMST                     10:55.00 
Heat 20 of 20 Timed Finals   
  1  Vazhenin, Igor               M46 AWJ                      10:17.06 
  2  Switzer, Keith M             M47 BLU                      10:10.00 
  3  Wells, D Scott               M49 EAJM                     10:05.01 
  4  Shaffer, Mike G              M44 VCM                      10:00.00 
  5  Reed, Thomas A               M27 WH2O                      9:35.00 
  6  Christensen, Eric B          M35 BDO                       9:55.02 
  7  Dean, Michael R              M29 WH2O                     10:05.00 
  8  Polito, Chip                 M33 OREG                     10:07.17 
  9  Petersen, Craig              M50 CMS                      10:14.60 
 10  Schmidt, Michael J           M47 MESC                     10:19.84