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                                   HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 3.0 7/19/2011 11:53 AM
                   2011 US Masters Swimming Summer Nationals                   
                               Auburn University                               
                                 Meet Program                                  
Event 9  Men 50 LC Meter Breaststroke
     Name                         Age Team
Heat 1 of 18 Timed Finals   
  2  Mitchell, Jack                84 GAJA                      1:00.00 
  3  Knowles Sr, Percival A        81 SWIF                        56.45 
  4  Woods, Albert H               82 GAJA                        48.12 
  5  Bronk, Burt V                 80 DAS                         57.50 
  6  Mc Auley, Herb                89 GAJA                      1:41.00 
Heat 2 of 18 Timed Finals   
  2  Furman, Joseph E              79 MINN                      1:13.40 
  3  Dixon, Richard B              78 GAJA                        57.42 
  4  Costill, David                75 INDY                        42.00 
  5  Cavanaugh, Cav                76 GOLD                        49.00 
  6  Chisholm, Dick                77 O*H*                      1:05.77 
  7  Frankenthaler, S E "bud"      78 GAJA                      1:19.19 
Heat 3 of 18 Timed Finals   
  2  Smith, Brent                  71 HUNT                        45.40 
  3  Reid, Walt                    71 PNA                         44.00 
  4  Freshley, Mike R              70 SDSM                        40.00 
  5  Messineo, Doug                71 FACT                        43.00 
  6  Murff, Don                    70 TXLA                        45.00 
  7  Goldstein, Mel E              73 INDY                        50.00 
Heat 4 of 18 Timed Finals   
  2  Huebschmann, Ray E            67 GAJA                        48.10 
  3  Pohlmann, John T              68 SLAM                        44.47 
  4  Zeigler, John V               66 GAJA                        43.58 
  5  Fuenmayor, Jose               67 UNAT                        43.80 
  6  Lodwig, Keefe L               68 SYSM                        47.00 
  7  Reid, Joe                     63 GAJA                        41.89 
Heat 5 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  De Lacy, James R              65 WCM                         43.00 
  2  List, Robert W                66 GSMS                        40.49 
  3  Guthrie, Scott                67 UNAT                        38.02 
  4  Frost, Kenneth A              67 TAM                         36.50 
  5  Andersen, Peter               68 SDSM                        36.90 
  6  Boak, Thomas D                68 WMST                        38.50 
  7  Burgess, Thom                 69 CMS                         42.50 
  8  Dudley, Bill                  67 GAJA                        43.08 
Heat 6 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Bohan, Richard P              60 GSM                         40.00 
  2  Hoffman, Charles L            61 TERR                        38.29 
  3  Walker, Rick B                61 SYSM                        35.69 
  4  Wright, Robert W              61 MOVY                        34.62 
  5  Stark, Allen L                62 OREG                        35.28 
  6  Meyerhoff, Rick               64 TAM                         38.00 
  7  Vazmina, Rudy J               61 SYSM                        38.57 
  8  Rollins, Bruce W              62 WMST                        41.43 
Heat 7 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Miller, Jamie A               57 NCMS                        47.98 
  2  Nakazawa, Muraji              55 RMST                        40.44 
  3  Troy, Mike                    56 UNAT                        39.00 
  4  Michalke, Doug                58 GAJA                        39.79 
  5  Adcock, Richard P             56 PNA                         40.60 
  6  Cox, Dan                      54 UNAT                        38.60 
  7  Haden, Keith                  50 SSMS                        38.28 
  8  Grecco, Dan                   52 UNAT                        44.00 
Heat 8 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Caligiuri, Dan A              55 BLU                         37.50 
  2  Enright, Richard              59 UNAT                        36.67 
  3  Von Hoffmann, Gerard          55 NOVA                        34.50 
  4  Groselle, Jack R              57 SYSM                        33.66 
  5  Finn, Peter R                 57 DOC                         34.22 
  6  Hamilton, Berry               58 GAJA                        36.53 
  7  Vestal, Neal L                57 UNAT                        37.23 
  8  Brown, Robert V               59 SYSM                        37.59 
Heat 9 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Vargas, Glen A                51 SYSM                        38.01 
  2  Neville, William P            53 HUNT                        37.53 
  3  Hendrickson, John J           51 TOC                         37.49 
  4  Matysek, Jim                  52 SYSM                        36.22 
  5  Berryhill, Keith              52 RAY                         36.80 
  6  Holmberg, Tom                 53 IM                          37.51 
  7  Taylor, Chip                  54 BSLM                        37.61 
  8  Grecco, Paul A                50 GMUP                        38.20 
Heat 10 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Berry, David D                51 MATT                        35.71 
  2  Moreno, Gilbert M             50 UNAT                        35.00 
  3  Malcolm, Doug C               54 LINS                        33.78 
  4  Guthrie, David M              51 TXLA                        33.00 
  5  Scott, Greg C                 52 CMS                         33.58 
  6  Brenner, Bill                 53 SYSM                        34.25 
  7  Vargas, Daniel                51 ARIZ                        35.03 
  8  Malsbury, David B             50 VMST                        35.87 
Heat 11 of 18 Timed Finals   
  2  Mc Ginley, Patrick B          48 ROSE                        40.23 
  3  Kadi, Mike                    47 MVM                         38.38 
  4  Gabriel, Noah                 46 DBMS                        38.01 
  5  Eastman, James Chris          46 BARM                        38.26 
  6  Anderson, Eric R              48 CMSA                        38.40 
  7  Young, Robert                 47 IM                          41.85 
Heat 12 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  McCool, Michael J             49 GAJA                        36.08 
  2  Thompson, Anthony G           47 MOVY                        35.21 
  3  Hancock, Thomas               48 RATS                        34.91 
  4  Dicks, Wally C                48 RMST                        31.00 
  5  Mench, Edward H               45 SYSM                        34.00 
  6  Turocy, Gregory               48 O*H*                        35.10 
  7  Anderson, Earl E              47 NCMS                        35.61 
  8  Blavatnik, Alex               47 FLAQ                        37.10 
Heat 13 of 18 Timed Finals   
  2  Dougherty, Craig S            39 SMS                         41.17 
  3  Palace, Mark                  38 VMST                        36.95 
  4  Glass, Mark W                 37 WMST                        38.58 
  5  Younger, John G               44 MICH                        45.00 
  6  Castleton, Tom                40 ROSE                        39.89 
  7  Duckett, Andy R               43 BSLM                        42.49 
Heat 14 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Wood, Jeffrey E               42 NEM                         37.81 
  2  De Mott, Tim J                43 AAMA                        36.65 
  3  Hamilton, Nathan              43 SNM                         35.63 
  4  Lage, Terry L                 43 FLAQ                        34.90 
  5  Waud, Timothy P               44 OREG                        34.99 
  6  Cambias, Rob J                43 SMS                         35.95 
  7  McCoy, Peter                  42 MATT                        37.80 
  8  Fair, Steven L                43 GCPS                        38.03 
Heat 15 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Hill, Andrew                  41 UNAT                        34.10 
  2  Stier, Scott J                42 SYSM                        34.00 
  3  Livingston, Terry             44 BLU                         32.00 
  4  Manson, Jonathan T            42 SPAS                        30.78 
  5  Pace, Todd H                  43 GOLD                        31.99 
  6  Keyser, David                 44 CSMT                        33.63 
  7  Bass, Bill                    42 WMST                        34.07 
  8  Weisleder, Rodney             40 MIL                         34.66 
Heat 16 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Jackson, Rob                  36 AMS                         36.51 
  2  Garcia, Morgan D              37 AAMA                        33.12 
  3  Butcher, Rob                  39 SYSM                        31.00 
  4  West, Steve T                 39 NOVA                        30.02 
  5  Christoffel, Ben J            35 INDY                        30.96 
  6  Navarro, Jeiko                37 MIL                         32.87 
  7  Rissman, Russell G            35 PPSL                        36.12 
  8  Perera, Boabdil               36 MIL                         36.63 
Heat 17 of 18 Timed Finals   
  3  Oo, Aung Sann                 30 UNAT                        37.00 
  4  Weston, Benjamin C            30 OREG                        34.34 
  5  Rodriguez, Jose Ignacio       34 MIL                         36.54 
  6  Aguabella, Pablo E            34 MIL                         37.10 
Heat 18 of 18 Timed Finals   
  1  Shaw, Chris                   29 AMS                         41.00 
  2  Marshall, Gary N              29 TOC                         31.01 
  3  Gangloff, Mark                29 AMS                         28.12 
  4  Deery, Kyle B                 27 SYSM                        30.05 
  5  Carlson, Eric                 27 ROSE                        32.54 
  6  Hardin, Channing M            20 FSYM                        36.00 
  7  Miyashita, Yuta               21 AMS                         44.00